Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fun Spring Afternoon

Today was a beautiful day. It really seemed perfect. It wasn't too hot (about 81 degrees) and it is not too humid yet (by Texas standards). I have not mowed our backyard in about a week and today I looked back there to see it being overgrown with wildflowers. My girls love this. They like to go out and pick them or bend down to smell them. Nathan also likes to look at them, but more from a scientific viewpoint. He has been studying plants in science at school, so he spent the time back there pointing out which plants had simple leaves and compound leaves. He also tried to name the plants that he knew. Do we have a future botanist on our hands? Who knows... last week he said he was going to be a trombone player like his dad. Before that it was a fireman, then a police officer, then a custodian... He still has a while to decide, so I let him dream and explore.

Nathan showing me some of the leaves he was looking at and telling me about them.

My kids love dandelions when they are at this stage. They call them "wish flowers." Where they got that term from is beyond me, but I think it is cute. They make a wish and try to blow all of the seeds off. Amy has gotten to where she plucks these up wherever she can. She must have a lot of wishes to make.

Thinking of a wish...

Lucy has even gotten in on the action. She finally figured out how to blow the seeds off. The first time Nathan gave her one of the flowers, she stuck it in her mouth. She was not impressed and it was difficult to try to get all of the seeds off of her tongue. Ignore the hair. My girls have gotten to where they will not keep it done. I do brush their hair and make it cute (braids, pigtails, clips, etc.). Sometimes they keep it in, but usually it only lasts a couple of hours.

Nathan observing more of the wildflowers in our backyard. I really do need to mow. Maybe this weekend?

Amy got a scooter for her birthday and she loves to ride it all around our yard. Lucy usually runs after her hoping for a ride.

Nathan showing me some more leaves from a bush back there.

Some iris flowers (these were planted before we moved here). It has been nice each spring to see them bloom. The girls were admiring the flowers and smelling them.

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