Well, on the 17th, our little Lucy turned two. It is hard to believe she is already that old. It seems like it was just a short time ago that we celebrated her first birthday. Today she had her two year old check up and she is in the 87%ile for height, the 50%ile for weight, and the 75%ile for head circumference. The doctor told me that she would probably be around 5 ft. 8 in. when she is fully grown. She is a tall girl, just like her mommy. For her birthday, we got her a few little presents (which Amy has seemed to claim as hers, that is until Lucy realizes they were really meant for her), and we had a lunch, cake, and ice cream with Alli, Justin, and their two kiddos. It was a lot of fun for Lucy. Earlier in the day, Nathan had a Groove Squad performance (yep it is already that time of year again). We packed everyone up and headed over to the school where there was some fair-type of thing going on. Nathan danced well and had a lot of fun. We didn't get any video of it because the battery on our camera was getting low and we were having trouble zooming in well enough because we were at the back of a crowd. We did try to get a few pictures. Next weekend he performs again, so hopefully we will be able to get a video to show everyone then. There was some fun stuff there for the kids, like some bounce houses. Well, Lucy spent the morning there with us and then we had her party, so by the time that was over she crashed for a long nap.
Amy even had fun in the bounce house. Luckily, there weren't too many big kids in there and she was able to have some fun.
When we got back home, Lucy decided to play with the markers while we were distracted. Luckily they were the washable kind, so her white dress was not completely ruined.