I know I have not been the best blogger. Over the summer we did so much and had a lot of fun, but I didn't post anything. Steve was going to school full time over the summer and he went to Cincinnati on tour with the UNT Wind Symphony where he also played with Jack Stamp's Orchestra (for you music enthusiasts, yes the real Jack Stamps who composes some awesome stuff). I guess Jack Stamp was at a recording session where Steve was playing and was really impressed with him and asked him to play with his group when he went to Cincinnati. So Steve was gone for a while and I hardly saw him for quite a bit of the summer, but fortunately I have Allison close to keep me entertained.
On the 4th of July Allison and Hyrum came over to play with us. Alli had hats made for the kids and I supplied water color paints, markers, and crayons for them to be decorated. Then we did some fun 4th of July activities that culminated with a parade around our house with the kids playing recorders and banging on drums (aka buckets with sticks). It was fun to watch Amy and Nathan have so much fun with Hyrum.
Well... let's move on with the summer. Steve's mom came out to be here while Alli had her baby. Allison had her baby in August (he was a whopper over 9 pounds!) and he is such a cutie. They named him Matthew; Amy and Lucy can't get enough of him. Lucy, especially loves little babies and she will just sit next to him and stare at him. She doesn't dare touch him too much but she will not leave his side. It was nice having Steve's mom visit for a few days and the kids loved it. She really is an amazing woman and I hope I can be a fraction of what she is someday.
The end of August rolled around and Nathan started second grade. It is hard to believe he is old enough to be in second grade. I feel like I blinked and he grew up overnight. His teacher Ms. Dahnalool-Rubio is from Trinidad and Tobago. She just had her last day of teaching on Friday because she is expecting a baby. She will be gone for 12 weeks. So Nathan's class will have a long-term substitute teacher until January. Nathan is excited for the sub they have because he knows him from subbing his class last year.
September came and went quickly, but it was a busy month. Our ward split and we are now part of a Denton ward. With the split came new callings. I am no longer the primary pianist, but now I am the nursery leader and the cubscout leader for our ward. The bishopric counselor said I was the first one to accept those callings; everyone else said no. I am still the only one to say yes. They are still in the process of trying to find some people to help me out with both callings. Cubscouts is new to me. I am still learning how to run everything, but it is not quite as bad as I thought it might be. We had our first pack meeting last week and it seemed to go well. I was a nursery leader for two years while we were in New York and I am now one again. I think I have been to Relief Society only five times in the past four years. I miss it, but maybe someday I will be able to attend again. Don't get me wrong, I love being with the kids, but I also like to get to know the other ladies in the ward.
With October here, Steve's schedule has gotten hectic. He is working quite a bit with the music annex at UNT and also teaching private lessons on the side for Celina school district. He also will be taking his qualifying exams (think equivalent to a law student taking the bar) next week. He is cramming like crazy (he is actually with a study group as I type this and won't be home until after 11 pm and then he has to do his homework for his class tomorrow). After his quals are done, he has to defend them and then he has his final regular recital in November. Sometime he also has to present his topic proposal to the graduate board for approval so he can do his dissertation and lecture recital next semester (long process and lots of work). He is very busy, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I feel like school has been such a big part of our lives since we met (well, I guess it has... one of us has always been going to school since we've been together- going on 9 years). I am so proud of Steve and his hard work. I understand why people who have a doctorate insist on being called Doctor [insert last name here]. It is a long, and in Steve's case, expensive road and it is not easy by any means. I can't help but tear up a little thinking of all of the hard work, sacrifice, and time that have gone into all of this journey. It is definitely an accomplishment to be proud of. The thing Steve is most excited about in October is Lucy turning 18 months and entering nursery. That means I will be watching her and Steve will be kid free for Sunday School and Elder's Quorum. I can't believe my little Lulu is already that old: how time flies...
In November Steve's dad, his brother Boyd, and his sister Melissa will be flying out to see him perform his recital. It is a big deal and if anyone reading this wants to come listen to it, you are more than welcome to. It is on the 12th of November here at UNT. Contact me if you want anymore details. Steve is so talented and I love to hear him play and see how much passion he has toward the music he is working on. He practices so hard and it is nice to see how much support he gets from friends and family.
In December the semester will end and a big load will be off of Steve's shoulders....well he still has his dissertation and lecture recital, but no more coursework! Yay!! We are still debating going to Utah for Christmas, but we hope to be able to go out for a week or so to visit family. I miss Utah so much right now. I haven't been there since March of 2008. I want to see those mountains covered with snow and I want to see all of the family I haven't seen in nearly two years. Hopefully our finances will be where we can take a small trip. Allison and Justin are moving in December and it is a sad thing. They have been fun to have around and I have had so much fun hanging out with Alli and her two boys. It won't be the same without them around. Steve and I will be bored and lonely.... who will play games with us on game night and laugh with us while we watch the Office? Who will eat all of my cooking inventions and walk with me around Denton? Hopefully, it won't be too long before we are close to some family that we can spend time with again. I guess I just need to become better friends with some people close by and see if they are gamers and Office Watchers. (smiley face here)
I know this is a looooong post, and if you made it this far, good job. I hope you are not bored out of your mind and wondering how I can type so much about so little. If you made it, I will throw in a picture or two or three for good measure.